My Media Player 11 and iTuens 7 face off
I am liking Windows Media Player 11. The only regret is that I don't own a player that syncs with it. I think iTunes no longer has anything on Media Player.
I started using iTunes because it synced with my iPods. And I think Apple really got the sync process right, it is so much easier than other players (like my antique Diamond Rio pmp300).
I however find iTunes visual plain and unappealing - perhaps besides the easy to read alternate white and light blue list view. iTunes 7 introduced album art along side song lists, that was sort of nice.

When it comes to visual, Media Player 11 is much nicer. Its metallic toned frame can be tuned to a color theme of your choice. Buttons are aqua (Vista, not Mac) with a mystic glow. It shows an almost identical song list view (but not the 3D album cover rack, which perhaps is a bit overkill).
Some may prefer iTunes' clean interface, but check out their docked views side by side.

Media Player is not only slicker when docked, it shows song info in a fade-in/fade-out notification window, which doubles as video screen when video files are on the playlist. In comparison, iTunes' dock view is unattactive and is missing song info.

Photos can be sorted by rating (rarely seen feature) and searchable by keywords (I haven't tried but I assume that's EXIF) - useful.
Videos are sortable as well and offers quick-to-show thumbnail view.
Die hard Mac fans are upset M$ stole Apple's design (and thunder!), but as a user with no stocks in either company, I am just glad to have a better player.
Videos are sortable as well and offers quick-to-show thumbnail view.
Die hard Mac fans are upset M$ stole Apple's design (and thunder!), but as a user with no stocks in either company, I am just glad to have a better player.
Your title needs a spell-check. :) Oh wait, iTunes shouldn't be in a dictionary.
Despite I am a Mac fan, I must say Vista is very pretty. Well, at least Mac OS X has been winning the beauty pageant contest for the last 5 years (since its debut). Of course MS will catch up. I wonder when Mac OS X will have a major face lift?
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