What are Ubuntu fans thinking?
These days people will say just about anything to bash Microsoft, like calling Ubuntu the perfect desktop (replacement for Vista's desktop). Get real, look at the screen shot and grow up, it is not nearly as refine and good looking (looks like kid's drawings compared to OS X or Vista desktop).
Of course look is not everything, but I just don't see what is good about it (other than it being free). It is not easier to use, it is not faster (have you ever tried running it on a Pentium II?? I have. Snail!) The most hilarous part about the article? No DRM restriction. The guy can't even tell the difference between restriction and support: People have found ways to circumvent DRM restrictions in MacOS and Windows, and that's only because those platforms have DRM support in the first place. Ubuntu does not even have DRM support, which means you cannot play music downloaded from some legitimate sites. How is that a good thing? These kinds of fact twisting only makes me think less of this OS.
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