Password Safe for Windows Mobile
I've come across alot of people who claim their PDAs/cell phones hold their entire lives - all their contacts, schedules, etc. I don't have alot of contacts and I don't have any schedule to keep but some years ago I did experiment with carrying everything on my USB key chain (and later my iPod Shuffle) - music, contacts, and passwords. For passwords, I used Password Safe, originally developed at Counterpane, Bruce "All Mighty" Schneier's company (later acquired by BP I believe). When it comes to storing passwords, I like to put my trusts in people who really know how to hide secrets. I have my password data file as well as Password Safe installer in the USB key.
It didn't really work too well, the carrying around business that is, mainly because the USB key (and the iPod Shuffle) is too bulky to carry around all the time. A wallet, keys and occasionally a watch, that's it for me; that is, until I started carrying a cell phone around.
My car pool buddy Eddie swears he would never want to carry a computer phone with him but at the risk of sounding too geeky, I love it. With a pair of ear phones plugged in I carry not only music and contacts but videos and podcasts (that get me through those lonely time, be it on the can or what not) and books too (PDFs with too many graphics don't work too well, but text only stuff are great) in the phone. Tai Chi tutorial video is next.
That still leaves passwords. My phone can transfer via infra red and blue tooth but most desktops don't have those; and I am not about to carry a USB cord with me all the time. So I started scrambling for something that not only stores passwords but also let me view them on my phone.
At first, KeePass looked very promising. There is a PocketPC version and a Windows version. But I am very used to Password Safe and don't know want to switch because I don't know how well it will perform. Besides, it doesn't import from Password Safe very well.
Later I found out there is a Password Safe for PocketPC on SourceForge. It didn't show before because it was based off version 1.9 (an older version). I loaded it up, fired up Embedded Visual C++ and got it compiled and running. I simply exported my current password data file as 1.x format and loaded it on the phone, everything just worked beautifully.

A password protection program is something you don't want to just download and run (if you can help it). You want to be able to examine the source code and make sure there isn't anything funky in there, and compile it yourself. I am thankful that Microsoft made Embedded Visual C++ a free download and folks who worked on Password Safe made the source available.
I am also sorry for people who use those fruity (metaphorically) phones that they can't compile and load their own programs (okay, latest news is that a certain fruity phone will finally have its SDK published, we'll see). I wonder if they have the equivalent of KeyChain on the iPhone.
Labels: technology
I have been reading that Password Safe was available for Windows Mobile, but could never find it. Thanks for posting this. I should have thought to look at the old versions. There is a binary version there to download and it runs find on my Windows Mobile 5 device.
Can anybody tell me, how to compile that binary version - password safe reader?
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