Kick-Ass (2010)
Spoiler ahead
So often I go into a acclaimed movie with high expectations and come out disappointed. Kick-Ass (2010) is an exception; (it was a DVD but) I finished it feeling even more excited about it. I like super heroes and I like unconventional, I like plausible and I like a (sometimes cheesy yet) happy endings. This film has it all.
I have never read the comic book (wasn't it an adaptation?) But it is really the story that got me. If it was the done and redone framed cop turned vigilante kind of deal, it would have been a yawner. But add to that an unlikely aspiring super hero teenager whose only ability is to be "invisible in front of girls", and lots of facebook twittering, you miraculously got a refreshingly entertaining action packed movie that can keep you guessing where the story would lead you.
I really like the fact that almost everything was kept within the realm of reality - Big Daddy using drug money to fund his operation (explained with the Bruce Wayne reference), Kick-Ass's damaged nerve endings gave him a fighting chance against the bad guys, etc. so much so the audience would be willing to overlook the climax fight sequence and the jet pack. After all, it isn't a super hero movie, though I am not sure what it is.
It does inevitably remind me of The Watchman (2007), another dark story that involves super heroes. Comparatively speaking, Kick-Ass, perhaps benefiting from a more singular plot, is just that much more innovative, relateable and engaging.
There wasn't any outstanding performance. Still a really good movie.

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