Mildly Hurtful Sarcasm

Meaningless ranting, just like everybody else.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Twenty-five? That's it?

According to Propel, its competitor's product contains 125 calories, you need
  • 492 sit-ups, or
  • power walk 2640 steps, or
  • 995 jumps
to burn that off. Porpel, has only 25 calories.

"Twenty five? That's it?" the woman says at the end?

What an idiot. Does she even know she plays an idiot in the commercial?

Cause that's 1/5 of what Propel's competitor has, you'll need
  • 99 sit-ups, or
  • power walk 528 steps, or
  • 199 jumps
to burn that off. And by the time you're done with those, you'll probably have poured down another bottle. You willing to do that?



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