Another neighborhood kitty
I headed straight to the mailbox today when I got home, because I did not check my mail yesterday, and after I locked the box I heard a rattle. It was a kitty walking on my fence (you know how they like tight rope walking). I pssst'ed so he'd notice, and he did. He checked me out, then jumped into my backyard.
I rushed into the garage and entered my backyard from there and underneath the bushes I saw his white little paws. I bowed down to look and he meowed a warning, how dared him. I inched forward not wanting to scare him away but he apparently knew whose backyard it was, and turned and quietly slipped away.
I pursued, through my driveway to my neighbor's front parking space, slowly, gently but always making enough noise with my steps so as to not startle him, until he finally made a stand under an Audi.
I crouched to flirt, he meowed fiercely a few more times. I pretended to be scared and backed off a bit. He settled down on his side, and wiggled his tail like he didn't give a shit, you know how they're all like that.
I gently moved closer, making kitty noise, extending my olive branch hand. He checked me out a few times then finally couldn't resist and rushed to me. He threw his forehead towards my palm so I would pet him. I gently but firmly combed the top of his head, then his body, then his tail that's straighten in excitement. It wasn't long before he started purring. It's the neck rub that he enjoyed the most, just a few was enough to make him roll over and squint at me. He would walk away and quickly turn back for more petting. He would climb up my knees to get a more intense rub. A few times he'd grab my hand with his paws, claws and all, and bite me, (always gentle enough not to do any real damage) and then stare at me in that playful victory look.
So we played for five, ten minutes until some neighbor's Camry passed by and caught his attention. He broke off and settled down on the ground and ended our get-to-know-each-other-thingy. He had beautiful green eyes and no collar. His fur was even but real dusty and lacked shine. Must be a poor young homeless kitty who doesn't get much love I reckoned. I wanted to feed him my can tuna but I wasn't sure if the brine would make him sick. I wish I had stocked some kitty food at home.

I had groceries in that car that I needed to put into the fridge so I slowly walked back while saying goodbye. He just gave me the I-don't-give-a-shit look. You know how they're all like that.
Labels: daily
why not take him home? :>
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