The term project

Anthony found this place through detail research. But the cashier girl, Caroline, who worked there Tuesday to Friday 1-4pm, was a bonus coincidence. And on this last day of October, he would make his move.
"This is a great album." Caroline had always been friendly to her customers. Purchasing a Coldplay CD was enough to get a conversation going.
Her dark brown hair flew over her shoulders like a silk cloth. Her eyes shined like the stars in an autumn night sky. She's the definition of beauty, anybody on this planet would fall for that face. Anthony had his eyes on Caroline since the first time he saw her, and her unexpected friendliness simply reassured him his chance. Anthony was left speechless.
Caroline tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as she shied away from the awkward stare at each other. Something told her he was the one. He had that charming innocence in his eyes, like he was born to this world just yesterday. She never expected a nose so big though.
As these four eyes tangled curiously, the little bronze bell tethered to the door knob rang and in walked a skin head wearing a pair long black boots.
How long are those shoe laces, and how long does it take to loosen them before he can have his feet back. Anthony couldn't help but wondered.
The punk jumped over the counter, pulled a bayonet and stuck it on Caroline's neck. She was asked to gifito me now.
Anthony couldn't make out most of what he said, but figured he's here to get his fix but he ain't got no money. He been here before pleaded for a freebie but bitch gave him the 'tude so this time he'll teach bitch a lesson and what ju staring at bitch fuck off.
The right thing to do is to alert authorities. Anthony saw a pay phone at the corner but he couldn't. He couldn't let people take Caroline away. Anthony knew full well this place was all about illegal narcotics, that's how he found this place. He was looking for Flunitrazepam, which he had intended to use on Caroline.
What if this rude person hurts Caroline. What if she dies. That will ruin the plan. The plan has to change. An orange tentacle bursted out of Anthony's chest and darted towards the punk, gripped his wrist, zapped him off his feet and swung him with detrimental force over to the back of the store where his face smashed into a blood splatter on the wall.
As Caroline watched in horror the punk's lifeless body laid motionless in a pool of blood, more tentacles blasted out of Anthony's body. His face, limbs and other human features fell off one by one until what's left was an orange creature with disproportionally large nostrils. This monster had one big nose.
Seeing how Caroline froze with her mouth wide open, Anthony shot another tentacle down her throat into her abdomen. The poor girl spent her last breath watching a beam of light take this creature back to the mother ship.
Anthony Engeekayayewhyyoueye, graduate student of the Orion Five Research Institute, fumbled with his newly harvested ovary in pride as his subspace shuttle tore through the Terran system. Attractive Human species from the planet Earth crossed with Trunk species from the Jovian moon Eurpoa, Anthony had no doubt that hybrid would make an impression on the professor.
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wah..... IoI
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