My new menu item VII - College years nostalgia II
I started liking Mountain Dew when I was in college. Remember those do-the-dew-dude commercials? One even sported Jackie Chan with the Hong Kong skyline as backdrop.
Back in school I used to sneak in those recruiting information sessions that served food no matter I was looking to get hired or not. Pizzas and sodas only mostly but I liked pizzas anyway and that saved me food money. One night all the Cokes and Pepsis were gone. Growing up I had always stuck with the mainstreams: Pepsi, Sprite, etc, but this time it was between Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew.
I did the Dew, and became the dude.
I don't know if it is the green or the sugar but it stands out from other sodas, it tastes a little different, a more delightful.
Since then whenever Mountain Dew is served, it would be my choice. My company's break room used to have free Mountain Dew's too so for the last X years I would have it regularly during the day. Blood sugar level is just about the only thing that keeps from having more.
A week ago while grocery shopping, I came across the Mountain Dew Voltage. I didn't even know it comes in blue now (haven't been soda shopping for a while). Wacky, couldn't resist.

Somehow it reminds me of the many nights sitting on that cushy couch in that little condo I stayed in my last year in college, chowing Lay's KC Masterpiece and pouring down a can of ice cold Dew.
Verdict on the Voltage: smells like Wisk, tastes like Listerine, I don't understand how could have won the competition. I regret not voting.
Labels: food