Mildly Hurtful Sarcasm

Meaningless ranting, just like everybody else.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Windows WHAT Seven??

Windows Mobile OS is crap, period. It hangs left and right and applications run on it are so unreliable probably because of it's lack of memory protection, as well as it's inexplicable policy to keep every application that has ever run, running. But today, Microsoft has finally announced the much anticipated and much needed Windows Mobile refresh, named Windows Phone 7.

My reaction: "Windows WHAT 7"???? It's hard to take this video seriously because in a nearly 3.5 minutes, not a single screen of the dial pad was shown. It's all about updating your friends and updating yourself about them. Friends, my friends, what are my friends doing and I must show my friends my photos. Pathetic. If you want to sell me a phone, how about show me how to make a phone call! I just hope this is not one of the devices that drive people back to taditional Nokia phones.


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Who requests and requires in the name of who?

On the first page of most passports nowadays you pretty much have the same boilerplate message. This one is from a British passport:

My question is, what does the passport of the Secretary of State of the UK say? Oh wait, how 'bout the queen of England's? My Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State Requests and requires in the Name of My Majesty... ??


Friday, February 05, 2010

Why Macs are perceived to be more secure

The other day I came across this CNet article where true security experts such as Halvar Flake, Mikko Hypponen, and Bruce almighty Schneier himself weighed in, and they all agreed: it is safer to use a Mac, not because it is better designed (from a security stand point), but rather due to the economics of attacks - it simply makes more sense to attack the platform that has an overwhelmingly larger user base; you've got better tools to do so, and you've got better ROI.

It's settled, it can't be otherwise. Now stop telling us how Apple designs a more secure OS.
