More on iPhone
Apparently Apple fans everywhere are excited about the iPhone, contrary to my expectation. My intuition has failed me once again, but here is why I think fans would have been disappointed:
- The look: admit it Apple fans, its all about the look. But the one thousand fantasy iPod phone designs out there all look more Apple-ish that the iPhone, which ironically enough, resembles a Sony to me.
- It's not an iPod: remember the Motorola phone that boasted a built-in iPod, oops, sorry, iTune? What a bummer that was!
- Too bulky: I know we all want big screens, but none of us want to be a real life Sponge Bob (square pants, you know, when a rectangular shape shows)
If I were the marketing/engineering guy at Cupertino, I'd have:
- Pushed for an acrylic white case
- Made the music software a virtual iPod, complete with a touch screen click wheel, etc (something like this)
- Called it iPodPhone, at least that way Cisco won't sue.
- Got a different hand model!! (that knuckle is really annoying).

Labels: apple, technology
It's too one-sided to say Apple fans only cares about the look. Style is very important, but not necessarily everything. Feature-wise, most smart phones can accomplish what iPhone can do, but Apple's selling point is that they have improved the UI of a smartphone to a point that all smartphones UIs are outdated. You are just picking fights here.
Motorola and Apple collaborated to put iTunes in their phones but the result was less than spectacular. Apple admitted that they sucked and had to run the whole shown on their own. Hence they made their own phone. iTunes in Motorola phones do exist, but no one cares.
All you are unhappy about is that Apple brags that they have invented the smartphone, but if you go to their website, it actually says "re-invented" the phone - basically saying they made it much cooler and easier to use a smart phone.
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