Mildly Hurtful Sarcasm

Meaningless ranting, just like everybody else.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why didn't Claire just shoot Peter?

I couldn't sleep last night (I need help...) thinking about why didn't Claire just shoot Peter; the more important question is: Peter can fly too, why didn't he fly up there himself? I think it has something to do with Nathan's need to redeem himself - he almost went along with Linderman's plan and let thousands (millions?) of people die. He swung back and forth on that before; now that he has come to power as a congressman, he probably needed to make sure he won't make the same mistake again. That's probably it.

Another question: Can Sylar be killed? He's been shot before, by Parkman, remember? He fell and then disappeared. You don't just recover from a bullet wound. There has got to be something about Sylar, that he can heal a little somehow, we should worry about that.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nathan Petrelli saves the world

I loved the finale episode, though there was no surprise at all (perhaps except the revealing of the name Noah Bennett) - I mean, no one would expect them to kill off Sylar as a character, right? (And please please please I want to see more of Jack Coleman). But the important thing is, there was a satisfactory ending. I hate the teaser at the end though, it is driving me nuts! I am calling my shrink... but then of course who wouldn't love the English translation "@#$%!", and it's good to know that we get to see more of Masi Oka.

There are stuff that I still don't understand though - why didn't Claire just shoot Peter? Nathan didn't have to sacrifice himself. Why did Candice revert to her good looking form when she fell? Wasn't she suppose to be ugly? And how are they going to explain to the police all the dead bodies at Kirby Plaza?

The most important of all, where did Peter get those visions? Was it time traveling (from Hiro)? But he only did it when he was unconscious; or was it from Issac? But he saw the past too... Anyway, I wish the final scene would have resembled more of the original exploding vision - day time, Parkman pushing back the crowd, Ando and Hiro overlooking from the side, etc - but then at least we saw Nathan walking up to Peter, that vision was fulfilled, that was so cool.

It has been a phenomenal journey - Parkman turned from an ordinary policeman to a little girl's hero; Nikki, DL and Micah are finally one happy family again (and Nikki's ability was finally explained!). And Nathan, oh boy, his character is complex, real, his relationships with his father, Linderman and Peter, all so persuasively played out. Most of all, at the end, all the characters we come to know and care about come together, that was the truly amazing part of the story.

Oh, I noticed the from graphics novel that Micah uses XP (not Vista!).


Friday, May 18, 2007

Arriving Hong Kong

Actually, I've been in Hong Kong for a week now. Praise heaven for the internet I still get to watch Heroes.

Hong Kong is 75-85F today, 85F mostly. The sun is not nearly as burning as in California (blocked by all the high risings?) but hot just the same.

The most surprising part? Not nearly as many people as you'd expect speak Cantonese (the regional dialect), very strange.

Architecturally, HKG's (Hong Kong International Airport) wavy light gray metallic structure looks much like SFO (San Francisco International Airport) international terminal's.

Perhaps because I arrived at 6am, the luggage claim was so easy to navigate.

Bustling streets in Hong Kong are as crowded as ever. Bumper to bumper applies to double deckers too.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sylar kills Ted, DL kills Linderman

There's still nothing about Peter's scar, I wonder if there ever will be. And I've been spending so much time guessing. Anyhoo, there are goofs: didn't Sylar pin Issac's arms to the floor? You can see that Issac's arms weren't spread lying there in Monday's episode. Also, I can't believe they didn't give Masi Oka better glasses - you can see the green anti-glare in many scenes - bad cinematography or props?

I have also been wondering about the dinosaur fighting painting Issac drew. Perhaps it is not the dinosaur at the museum after all. It takes the symbolic meaning of dragon slaying just like the kenzi story Zulu, [cough], I mean his dad, told him about. Also, the fact that he has been watching behind the scene explains so well the rather comical journey Ando and Hiro has taken on.

The master story telling is back. I loved Monday's episode, it's so surprising that Linderman actually dies. And I especially liked the speech towards the end where parental love was brought into play - how Hiro's father had groomed his son to grow into the hero he had wanted him to become (the training was a little rush and unbelievable though), how HRG would kill to give his own little girl a normal live (with Suresh at gun point, what irony!), how DL and Jessica/Niki would give up everything to get Micha back. There has got to be something about the Petrelli mom. Does she have power? What is it that she wants? It has the potential to be the big twist in the finale!

She knows the family history, she knows Linderman's secret, will she be the key to the whole plot?


Friday, May 11, 2007

It's all about perspectives

I think it is interesting that when choosing locality of Firefox to download, you are presented the choices of English and English (British).

Didn't the English over at Great Britain invent the language? Why isn't it English and English (US and Canada)?


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Peter Petrelli is the bomb, or Ted Spargue or Sylar?

I have always suspected that Ted has something to do with the explosion. In fact very early on I noticed that Issac's pictures did not clearly depict Peter as the exploding man. But how does it end? I surely don't know.

Exploding man - is that Peter Petrelli, Ted Spargue or Sylar?

What I know is the quality of the show is declining. Early on the season, they were able to tell alot with very little, like Nathan's wife's accident and his father's dealings, they were told just by a few causal verbal exhanges. In contrast, tonight's episode seems rush. Seems like they are in a hurry to wrap things up. Come on, accidentally stabbed by a pair of scissors? How chessy! I like to see the softer side of Sylar, afterall his simple life was what drove him to be the monster he is; but goosh, the acting and the conversations were so unconvincing.

I guess it makes sense to rush; with only 2 episodes left they can't possibly wrap up everything (unless they choose to overspill them to the next season, which I'd prefer). So much was put into building up the characters (Parkman's troublesome marriage with his wife, and the equally treacherous relationship between Nikki and DL, etc) and they all just go to waste? What about the Haitian? He rescued Claire from the organization controlled by Linderman, only to bring her to a woman who works with Linderman? That doesn't make any sense. And what secret Petrelli Mom holds... I hope there is something there. And what about the dinosaur Hiro is going to fight? How are they gonna squeeze that into this season? Oh, the most important one, Peter Petrelli's scar. I've been spending so much time guessing. Could it be caused by someone trying to stop him from exploding?

Tonight's little girl reminds me of the little kid Parkman rescued very early in the season. If Sylar killed both her parents, it makes sense that she possesses some power. It will make a great plot that she be the one to defeat Sylar....

... oh, maybe next season.


Monday, May 07, 2007

What are Ubuntu fans thinking?

These days people will say just about anything to bash Microsoft, like calling Ubuntu the perfect desktop (replacement for Vista's desktop). Get real, look at the screen shot and grow up, it is not nearly as refine and good looking (looks like kid's drawings compared to OS X or Vista desktop).

Of course look is not everything, but I just don't see what is good about it (other than it being free). It is not easier to use, it is not faster (have you ever tried running it on a Pentium II?? I have. Snail!) The most hilarous part about the article? No DRM restriction. The guy can't even tell the difference between restriction and support: People have found ways to circumvent DRM restrictions in MacOS and Windows, and that's only because those platforms have DRM support in the first place. Ubuntu does not even have DRM support, which means you cannot play music downloaded from some legitimate sites. How is that a good thing? These kinds of fact twisting only makes me think less of this OS.


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Horrible horrible people at Microsoft

Today I spent hours debugging an issue regarding GetProcessImageFileName. Turns out, even though MSDN states that the API requires Windows XP or higher, it is not reflected in Psapi.h. I had _WIN32_WINNT defined as 0x0400, but my code still compiled fine; it failed miserably on Windows 2000 of course. Sucks.

(Just venting, folks at Redmond are fine fine people).


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Peter Petrelli's scar III

So Peter has a scar across his face, looks like a katana slash, inflicted by a left handed person. Hiro has the katana, and he is right handed. Sylar on the other hand is left handed(??)

Could it be the case that Sylar steals Candice's (the shapeshifter) ability and morphes into Hiro's semblance so that Peter lets his guard down and BAM! ambush??


HD-DVD code fuzz

I don't understand what the fuzz is about. To most people this code is useless, they won't even know what to do with it; to the techno-literates, oh com'on, it's been broken for a while already.

Well, perhaps it is about disobedience, or perhaps I'd be more excited if I actually own some HD-DVD gears myself; my carpool buddy Eddie just commented on how I still haven't moved on from my Sony Trinitron TV this morning, broke my heart (not that my heart was intact to begin with).


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hiro's dinosaur

Now that we know Sylar is going to be super powerful, could the dinosaur Hiro fought in the painting be Sylar himself? Could it?
