My pictures V
Synchronizing photo albums between two computers is a problem a lot of us experience. You dock your camera and receive emails both at your desktop and laptop and after a while, some pictures is in one computer and some pictures the other. I recently have been spending a lot of time organizing my digital photos so that I can be sure I back up everything; but synchronizing all the directories I have in different machines has become a problem.
My brother had a even stranger problem. He recently tried to copy all his digital pictures from his desktop to his new fruity laptop (via his switch). The copy, for whatever reason, stopped in the middle. He didn't want to start from the beginning (cause it was a long process) but couldn't be sure what didn't get copied over either. As tedious a task as examining the number of files in all subdirectories it is, that wouldn't be enough, because some files could have been half copied.
This is when WinMerge comes in. The new WinMerge has a function to compare file size only, so even when you are using mounted drives, finding the difference between two directories is speedy and easy.
You first select the two directories you want to examine, instruct it to include subfolders in its examination as well.

In the Option dialog, configure it to compare file size only; otherwise the entire file will be fetched across wire and that may be a slow depends on the number of files.

Then sort the output by Comparison result.

Thanks to the folks at WinMerge. It is a fabulous piece of software.
Labels: technology